Today there are approximately 25 million veterans in the United States from all wars and all branches of service. Veterans who have served our country are at risk of developing mesothelioma or another fatal asbestos disease as a result of asbestos exposure. While veterans represent 8% of our nation’s population, veterans comprise 30% of all known mesothelioma deaths that have occurred in this country.
Veterans who have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease such as mesothelioma have legal rights and may be able to recover compensation for their losses and suffering. Only an experienced mesothelioma lawyer will know if you have a valid legal claim.
Kazan Law has been helping veterans injured by asbestos exposure since 1974. We can help guide you through the steps in discovering how and when you may have been exposed to asbestos and assist you in discovering if you may be due compensation by any company that may have been responsible for your asbestos exposure.
Choosing an Asbestos Lawyer is the Most Important Financial Decision You’ll Ever Make
Choosing an asbestos lawyer is a more important decision than even buying a home. Your home could potentially yield you a couple of hundred thousand dollars in return on investment if property values skyrocket in your neighborhood. But an asbestos case properly handled by a top quality asbestos lawyer from a reputable firm that specializes in asbestos can be worth millions to you and your family.
Money cannot replace a person. But money can prevent additional unnecessary suffering on the part of your family by paying the bills. It also helps give you and your family a sense of justice. A great harm was done to you and a good asbestos lawyer can make sure that those responsible are held accountable, and that your family’s financial security is guaranteed.
“You guys never cease to amaze me. Thank you for your consistent efforts on behalf of me and the boys. We appreciate the checks. The boys don’t have to worry about funds for college and I don’t have to worry about funds to live on as a single mom. You guys are fabulous. I know it’s a team and you all work together like a well-oiled machine.” – Debra Clemmons
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